Residence in Rutherford

Napa Valley, California

The clients bought the property in anticipation of their return to Napa Valley from Southern California, and has part of the vineyards from where they get fruit for their wine. The property’s existing, outdated residence sits in a prime location on the site. That combined with a desire to not lose any of the vineyards to a building made the decision to replace the existing structure easy.

Because of the unique location, surrounded by the mountains and the vineyards, we wanted to take advantage of the views from all the rooms in the house. The clients also like to entertain family and friends so the main living spaces of the house were designed to be enjoyed by a large gathering of people, but also feel cozy when only the clients are there. The husband is an avid cook and we designed the kitchen area with great consideration of his specific requests. An expansive porch connects the indoor with the outdoor cooking area, garden, pool and pool house.

A separate guest house is also part of the project.

  • Civil Engineer: Applied Civil Engineers